Thursday, April 28, 2022

Solihull Council Leave Disabled Woman At Risk For 7 Years.

 As promised i will continue to list the litany of failures inflicted on just one individual in the so called care provided by Solihull adult social services

This article is written without prejudice.

It is partly to bring their disgusting service to the attention of others and secondly to raise awareness of how bad they are and how anyone becoming involved with them needs to record every phone call and meeting and also correspond by email where possible so you have a written record and established timeline

Anyway on with the story….

7 years ago my friend who is in her mid fifties and deaf moved into a new studio flat in Solihull.

At the time a meeting took place at her home. This was attended by my friend, myself, a social worker and 2 senior housing officers from the housing association landlords.

During the course of the meeting the housing officer raised the issue of fire safety due to deafness.

The social worker stated she would arrange for a smoke alarm with a flashing light and possibly a vibration device that goes under the mattress to wake her up if asleep. Great.

Jump forwards 18 months to the follow up meeting and when the housing officer expressed concern that nothing had been done the same social worker said she would look into it….. Great.

Jump forwards yet again to the final meeting at the 3 year point.

The housing officers attended again but the social worker failed to show up. The housing officer once again asked about the provision of a suitable smoke alarm and when told nothing had ben done her reply was “That’s disgusting”

Correct and completely accurate.

I have referred to this matter twice in official letters of complaint and although the last one in September of last year (2021) was acknowledged as received no action or communication has been received since.

I’m sure if she had been burned alive during their period of neglect we would all see some uncaring wokejoke on the news saying they will take it all on board and lessons have been learned Blah blah blah….

Yes lessons have been learned and the biggest one is in reality Solihull adult social services failed to deliver care once again.

Just in case anyone wonders….. No my friend was not left unprotected in real life because I went online and to date have purchased 2 smoke alarms with a built in light.

OK that's enough time wasted on them for today. I will publish some more examples of their negligence early next week….

Next Story

Imagine being deaf, not knowing sign language and only being able to communicate with the world by email.

 How long do you think it took social services to release her own funds following an urgent request to replace a broken laptop? ….. Only 12 weeks. See the full story here next week.

Plenty more to come.

Thanks for the visit today.

A quick thank you for the comments recieved. I do not publish comments posted here to protect visitors anonymity.

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More Solihull Social Services Failiures to come

Just a holding post to let you know that the articles detailing the failings of solihull adult social services and the box ticking woketard ...